The University provides a range of services to support students. Below is a list of Monash University and external services. 

Monash Health & Wellbeing

Monash Counselling

Mental Health Programs

Changing Minds - Moodle Course 

Monash Mindfulness

Student Support Services

The above link provides information on: 

  • accommodation and housing
  • health and counselling 
  • Disability Support Service
  • financial assistance
  • safety and security
  • international student support
  • diversity and inclusion
  • childcare and parenting
  • spirituality
  • legal services
  • complaints and advocacy

Research Learning Online
Monash University webpage providing information on face-to-face and online study support programs.

Academic Integrity and Referencing - Research Learning Online
There are a range of rules and responsibilities that go with academic study.

Academic Integrity, Plagiarism and Collusion
Monash University is committed to honesty and academic integrity.

Centre for Holistic Health
Free mental health service for Chinese international students.

Translating and Interpreting Service
Government service providing phone, onsite and document translation.

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