Women's Officer

Olivia Rumble

Women’s Officer


Studying: Bachelor of Nursing and Midwifery - 3rd Year

Hi! My name is Olivia and I am the Women's officer for 2024! I have spent 12 years growing up in Shanghai, whilst it was tough being away from Australia, it was a really beneficial and unique life experience allowing me to gain more cultural insight. I love spending time outdoors, whether its the beach or woop woop (even better if there is food involved!)

I am currently a 3rd Year Nursing and Midwifery student and am looking forward be part of the 2024 MONSU team and community. This year as your women's officer I am excited to plan and coordinate fun events and strive to continue and improve from last years events, especially in collaborating with the community to empower women through fun and creative ways!

I cannot wait for a great year ahead!

Women's Officer 2024

E: womens@monsupeninsula.org.au

IG: @monsu.womens.pen