You have been eagerly anticipating this week since you received your acceptance letter to university. While you knew this would be an exciting time in your life, you never would have guessed you'd be tapped on the shoulder to join The Secret Society of Scholars. You believed the group was nothing more than a legend, but here you are, being initiated into the fray.
Unfortunately, you are joining the group at a rather tense time...
MONSU Peninsula invite you to experience your orientation in a whole new way!
The Secret Society of Scholars is an interactive mystery game designed to help you explore the Peninsula Campus. Somewhere between You and your team will use the First Years' Guide to uncover new locations and follow the clues.
Solve the mystery, and your team will go into the draw to win tickets to your choice of either our Fun Crawl or Amazing Race events.
How to play?
You can access the game throughout O Week and Week One. The game is open to students from 12pm Monday 24 February until 2pm Friday 7 February.
We recommend a team of three is most ideal to solve the mystery - one person to access the First Years' Guide, one to open the game on their phone, and another to take photos and write down notes/clues.
Access the game and guide with the links below.
Who are the suspects?
Ethan Wilde
Seleste’s biggest campaigner
Rumoured to have a temper
Loves art and is usually sketching instead of taking lecture notes
Third year student and senior society member
Ophelia Sage
Obsessed with order and structure
Known to keep a journal that she refers to as, ‘the true history’
Less than thrilled Seleste won
Society Archivist
Eleanor Thorne
Previous president last two terms
Seems unhappy, but is that her or the power loss?
Would write formal letters called ‘polite reminders’ to members who needed their behavior corrected
Seleste Albright
Recently elected Society President
Believes in improving a sense of inclusion within the society
Enjoys the Society’s mystical history
Obsessed with all things astrology, tarot, and crystals, even though this has made her a joke with some members

Felix Knight
Appears rather serious, but you’ve been told he’s a nice guy
Passionate about his role as Society Treasurer
Biggest campaigner for previous president, who provided him freedom and support in his role
Marcus Fenwick